Thursday, June 4, 2020

Politics heats up on the murder of pregnant Hathini, Wayanad MP Rahul

In Kerala, politics has started to heat up after the murder of a pregnant Hathini under a conspiracy. A series of charges and counter-allegations have also started between the two major parties of the country, BJP and Congress. The BJP has directly targeted Rahul Gandhi.

The attack on behalf of the party is commanded by Union Minister Smriti Irani. Expressing outrage over the incident of Hathini's murder, he put Congress MP Rahul Gandhi from Wayanad in Kerala in the dock.

Irani said condolences are not expected from Rahul. If Rahul Gandhi did not care about humans in Amethi, then what would he care about animals in Kerala. Irani said that the feelings of the nation had played out.

Let me tell you that in the Silent Valley Forest, a pregnant elephant was killed by feeding a pineapple full of crackers. His body was recovered from a pond.

Maneka Gandhi is also a target

On Wednesday, Union Minister Maneka Gandhi called the incident a murder and asked Rahul what action has been taken so far in the death of Hathini. Maneka said that Kerala is the most violent state in the country. Here people throw poison on the streets so that 300 to 400 birds and dogs die simultaneously.

Congress retaliated

Whereas in this case, the Congress defended Rahul Gandhi and said that he is being unnecessarily surrounded on this matter. What happened in Kerala is very sad.

Strict action will be taken against the guilty - Javadekar

Union Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar said that we will leave no stone unturned to properly investigate and apprehend the culprits. It is not Indian culture to kill animals with firecrackers. Strict action will be taken against the culprits. The central government has taken Hathini's death seriously in Kerala.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Exclusive Interview: Working with Narendra Modi is a crooked task: Manoj Tiwari

New Delhi / Team Digital. Manoj Tiwari is feeling very light after losing the post of Delhi BJP President. Tiwari, forgetting the family and the village in the politics of Delhi, shared his heart in an exclusive interview to Punjab Kesari Group. He said that being the state president during the Narendra Modi era is a big thing in itself.

During this time a lot was learned. He said that now he will increase his services more than before and will work better under the leadership of Adesh Gupta.

In a special interview, Manoj Tiwari openly shared about the factionalism in the party, his experience of three and a half years in the party and the strategy ahead. Watch full interview: -

Good news: got corona virus medicine Japan gave permission to use.

Los Angeles: A biotech company from California, California, states that its experimental drug Remedisivir saw improvement in symptoms when given to five-day-old, hospitalized patients from Covid-19 to moderately ill, Covid-19 has gone.

This medicine is injected into the vein. It has been approved to treat Kovid-19 patients in Japan. In the US also it has been allowed to give some patients in emergency.

Gilead Sciences gave some details on Monday, but said that full results will be published soon in the medical journal.

In experiments, Remedicivir has emerged as a drug that is expected to help fight the incurable disease of this coronavirus.

A large study, led by the National Institutes of Health, was conducted which found that this drug reduces the average duration of recovery for critically ill hospitalized patients. This medicine reduces the days of recovery from 15 to 11 days.

About 600 patients were studied under the leadership of the company. He had mild pneumonia but did not need oxygen. All were given medicines randomly for five to 10 days, with normal care taken.

Gilead said that on the 11th day of the study, patients who had been given Remedicivir for five days were 65 percent more likely to improve, on at least one on a seven-point scale. These include measures such as need for treatment and breathing machine.

Ten days of treatment did not prove to be better than standard care alone.

None of the patients who were given medication for five days died, while two of those who gave medicine for 10 days died and only four of those receiving standard care died. However, the complaints of nausea and headache were slightly higher among those taking this medicine.

Infectious disease specialist Dr. Radha Rajasingham at the University of Minnesota Medical Center pointed out that the study has some limitations but there is a controlled group that helps to verify that remedicivir has some benefits.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Got corona medicine, work started on making 4 crore vaccine in first batch.

New Delhi: In the war with Corona, science has its own problems. Like the time taken in any clinical trial, but now to reduce this time, work is being done in this direction by increasing the number of samples ie Volunteers. For this, an army of 10,000 corona commandos is being prepared, which together will do all the work of corona. In whose body, the drug against the corona will create such ammo that the corona will be awe.

The news of the elimination of Corona may ever come from Britain. Researchers at Southampton University have started recruiting 10,000 volunteers for clinical trials, whose effects on drug use will be seen on the body. Work on this vaccine is going on since the beginning of this year i.e. January. The good thing is that from the beginning till now everything has been fine and this medicine has shown very good effect on chimpanzee, after which now the human trial is going to start. To reduce the time of this trial, so this trial will be done on more than ten thousand people.

The good thing is that the results of the first phase have been very good, after which now the floor in the battle with Corona has started. The confidence of scientists shows that they can succeed soon. Work began on the vaccine in January, using viruses derived from chimpanzees and is the same drug developed by the Jenner Institute of the University of Oxford and the Oxford Vaccine Group.

The next phase will require the elderly, adults and children. On which these trials will be done on a large scale.

250 people aged 18-55 who have come in contact with infected people
120 people who are over 70 years old
Another group of 250 healthy people at least 55 years of age
Scientists want to do research on people of different ages so that the effect on our body immunity can be investigated. Also, the difference in the body of older people and children can also be known and information about its side effects on the body of people of all ages. In the second and third rounds of the trial, one or two doses of ChAdOx1 or MenACWY will be given. You will be surprised to know that the ChAdOx1 drug is made from a weaker version of a common cold virus of a chimpanzee. However, when it goes into human body, then it will work as medicine, not disease. It will be combined with genes that make proteins from the Kovid-19 virus. Meaning that the proteins through which the virus makes its way into the body, will go directly to these proteins and add these drugs.

Scientists have shown so much confidence about this drug that the agreement to make this drug has already been done and a reputed pharma company like Astragenka has already started work on making 4 crore vaccines in the first batch.

Friday, May 22, 2020

How much can the EMI of your home-car loan be reduced after the RBI rate cut, here information.

If banks give the benefit of rate cut by RBI to customers, then you can know how much your EMI can be reduced here.

New Delhi: The Reserve Bank has cut the repo rate and reverse repo rate to give relief to people in Corona crisis. The repo rate has been reduced from 0.40 per cent to 4 per cent and the reverse repo rate has been reduced from 3.75 per cent to 3.35 per cent. Now if banks give the benefit of this rate cut to the customers then their loans can be cheap and EMI can be reduced.

If banks give the benefit of rate cut to customers, then the EMI of your home loan, car loan, personal loan can be reduced. Here, through an example, you can know how much your loan EMI is going to decrease.

Home loan will benefit
If banks will give you the benefit of 0.4% reduction, then there can be a good reduction in the EMI of your home loan. To understand this with an example,

Suppose you have taken a home loan of Rs 35 lakh for 20 years, on which the current SBI interest rate is 7.35 percent. Its monthly EMI sits at Rs 27876 and the total interest on this loan is sitting at Rs 31,90,148, then after reducing the rates, the interest will be 6.95 per cent instead of 7.35 per cent. In this way, the total interest for your 20-year loan of Rs 35 lakh will be Rs 29,87,324 and your EMI will be reduced to Rs 27031, ie your EMI will be reduced by Rs 845 per month and the total interest will also be around 2.02. Lakh rupees will be reduced.

How much will be the benefit on a car loan
The current interest rates of car loans are between 8.55 per cent to 10.15 per cent. Different banks have different auto loan interest rates and if banks benefit from the 0.40 per cent rate cut of RBI, then their loans can also be 0.4 per cent cheaper.

Monday, March 30, 2020

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Saturday, March 21, 2020

मार्केट में खूब बिक रही है यह फास्ट्रेक की घड़ी ।

 मार्केट में खूब बिक रही है यह फास्ट्रेक की घड़ी।

नमस्कार दोस्तों आज की इस पोस्ट में मैंने आपको फास्टट्रैक की घड़ी के बारे में बताया है। तो अगर आप इस घड़ी के बारे में ज्यादा जानकारी चाहते हैं। तो हमारे साथ इस पोस्ट पर बने रहे और पोस्ट पसंद आने पर लाइक शेयर जरूर करें हमारे साथ जरूर दें और इसी तरह के लिए भी जानकारी पढ़ने के लिए आप हमें फॉलो भी कर सकते हैं।

जैसा कि आप जानते हैं। जब से हर किसी के पास मोबाइल फोन हो गया है तब से घड़ी पहनने का चलन थोड़ा सा कम हो गया है। लेकिन कुछ लोग आज भी अपनी कलाई पर घड़ी पहनना पसंद करते हैं। और इसके लिए अच्छी-अच्छी कंपनियों की घड़ी खरीदते हैं।

 अगर आप भी अपनी ले एक ऐसे ब्रांड की घड़ी पहनना चाहते जो काफी फेमस हो और जिसका नाम लेते ही लोग चौक जाए और उन्हें लगे कि हां यह सच में एक अच्छा फ्रेंड है।

हम जिस घड़ी के बारे में बात कर रहे हैं यह दिखने में बहुत ही खूबसूरत है और इसके डिजाइन की बात करें तो डिजाइन बहुत ही खूबसूरत लगता है। और अगर आप फास्टट्रैक की घड़ियां पसंद करते हैं। तो यह आपको जरूर पसंद आएगी आपको इसमें और भी ढेर सारी डिजाइन देखने को मिल जाएंगे।

अगर आप इस घड़ी को खरीदना चाहते हैं। तो इस लिंक पर क्लिक करके आप इसे खरीद सकते हैं। इसकी कीमत ₹1350 के आसपास है।
 जहां पर क्लिक करें

Politics heats up on the murder of pregnant Hathini, Wayanad MP Rahul

In Kerala, politics has started to heat up after the murder of a pregnant Hathini under a conspiracy. A series of charges and counter-allega...